The Nomadic Lensman

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Abandoned and Disturbing

The Pacific Northwest is know for its beautiful oceans, mountain ranges, waterfalls and a whole host of other wondrous and magical places to explore. But did you know that we have a darker side? Let’s explore some places that just might make you shiver with chilliness. Let’s step inside…

Well, that wraps things up for me! If you have any comments for me in regards to this, or any posting, please contact me! I’d love to hear from you. The photography used was lovingly altered in post-production to look extra creepy. It’s a dangerous job, shooting thru broken windows and such, but I’ll do it for the love of my craft. And to make creepy photos…every state in the Union has a past and most of them are not good. Here is a little slice from where I call home, no, not the hospital I don’t want to hear it from any of you…the state of Washington is what was meant. Sometimes to get a notion of where your state is is to get a glimpse of its past and see how the people who run it learned from those who ran it. Until next time, under cheerier skies, I bid you adieu. We’ll get into more awesome things next week! Take care of yourselves and each other…Be and travel well!