The Nomadic Lensman

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Austin, Texas

You can find allot to do in Austin. Quite a fair amount, just in the category of music. And if you like music venues that sells alcohol, then Austin is the place for you! There are other, more culturally diverse things to do as well. But if you enjoy a bar scene, then you need to come to Austin. Let’s get to it!

Y’know, there is so much that I could talk about, share photos of and just inundate you with all sorts of info about the places we journeyed to in Texas. Texas has a special place in my heart, now that we’re been there, and I look forward to, earnestly, the time when we can get back and explore more of the people places therein. I truly hope you all can take a trip there and see what a great state it truly is. But I think, more than anything, the people make Texas…Texas. So personable, so lovely in their demeanor, I can’t say one bad thing about it. It has its problems, like any other state in the Union, but that doesn’t keep it from conducting itself in a kind, respectful, God-fearing and loving way.

Until we meet again, I’ll bid you adieu. This wraps-up Texas and next time I will have a new adventure to share with you. As always, take care of yourselves and each other. Be and travel well!