The Nomadic Lensman

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Banff, Canada

Some of the most beautiful scenery in the world can be found North of the United States. From British Columbia and Vancouver Island, all the way to Newfoundland, you will see some amazing things. My adventures there are far from over, but there are 2 places I would like to discuss. The first is Banff…

I should have pointed out at the onset that my wife and I drove into Canada from our home state. So there really wasn’t a limit on what we could bring in terms of clothing, etc. We brought snacks to reduce the number of diner stops we made to help maintain the budget. Plus, if we see something of interest, we can divert ourselves at will, go and explore and then be on our way again. If you can be mobile for your trip to Canada, independently mobile, then the sky is the limit. But if you’re going any other time other than Summer, pack accordingly and prepare for those contingencies. Do some research for sure, especially in the areas you’re interested in seeing. We stayed in a beautiful little town called Canmore. About 35-45 minutes East of Banff. Saw a couple of Elk cows meandering alongside a road into the town. I highly recommend a stay there.

Up next week, Jasper, Canada. Another gorgeous piece of real estate within Canada that needs to be talked about. Until then, travel safely!