The Nomadic Lensman

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Color and Texture

It doesn’t matter, really, where you go in this world. Colors and textures surround us at every turn. From fabrics, to structures, automobiles, plants, animals and a whole host of other immeasurable circumstances in which you can find at least one, if not both, color and texture. I won’t even begin to scratch the surface, at least in only one blog posting, but I shot some interesting examples of different types that you may not, yourselves, had thought about considering. Let’s check some out!

Well, I hope you liked this little sojourn into color and texture and I must insist that you go to find your own to enjoy either near where you live, an hour away from where you live or in another country. Color and texture are everywhere in the world and sometimes they can be harder to see unless you look more closely at things. That be photo above I enlarged for the purposes of this blog. That be was half and inch long and I’d have to go into centimeters to give you its width. Had to get in close for that one, but I allowed myself to be mindful and see it. Anytime you remain mindful in nature, or anywhere, really, then you’ll ope yourselves up to see all sorts of things on your adventures.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other, be and travel well!