The Nomadic Lensman

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Creating Depth and Drama

Using objects, people, even the weather to create depth and to help illustrate whatever story you’re trying to convey toward your images, can be powerful tools. Words often times are never enough to describe what you saw at a given moment because the words you use are usually not interpreted the same from one listener to the next. When you provide imagery to back-up your words, then can the listener fully prescribe to what your words actually mean. Let’s take a look at what I mean.

That does it for me! I hope you were able to garner some helpful knowledge of depth and drama in your images. I look forward to the next time and I will say that, in 2 upcoming dates, I have some trips scheduled that will afford some new images of places you may, or may not have, been to previously. One domestic trip and one international. I’ll drop some hints as we get closer to each event. See if you can guess where my lovely bride and I are trotting off to next. Until such time, I will look forward to the next posting, take care of yourselves and each other, be kind to one another, be and travel well!