The Nomadic Lensman

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Sometimes inspiration eludes me. Sometimes when the weather turns in climate and you just can’t be bothered to come up with specific places to go and things to shoot, there is a rut that develops that can be dangerous. So, to help continue those creative juices flowing, you just get in your favorite mode of transport and you drive aimlessly…but with a purpose. Follow me in and I’ll show you!

I know I sound like my needle’s skippin’, but going and getting lost with a purpose is so much fun and you’re bound to get at least a shot of something that’s interesting. Let the explorer in you out and give them their reign! Go and experience places you have never been to, within your area, and learn some cool things about where it is that you live. You will not be disappointed. As always, leave a comment on anything within these pages, I’d love to hear from you! Go, be and do! Have fun with your explorations in travel.

Until the next time, take care of yourselves and each other…be and travel well!