The Nomadic Lensman

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Germany in Texas?

Texas is well versed in its own history and they proudly display it. But I’m guessing that especially along both coasts of the U.S., that people don’t know allot about the German influence that began in 1831, and how that influence remained. We’ll take a look at a few of those towns.

That will do it for me this week. Next week I’ll clue you in on another German town and then the week after that I’ll discuss Austin and then that will wrap-up Texas. Texas is a GI-normous state and, unlike say, Rhode Island, you can’t see it all in a couple days. We were there for 10 days and tried to eke out as much as we could. We saw cool antique shops in small towns we found by getting off the main highways and taking back roads. There were so many buzzards that we saw and I was fortunate enough to get a photo of one. On a fence post, not eating what they usually eat. I will bring you more next week so until then, take care of yourselves, each other and, as always, be and travel well!