The Nomadic Lensman

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Nikon P1000

There will be a few Nay Sayers when it comes to this particular camera, especially those who are, “Evolved,” as photographers go. And that’s okay…it really is okay. Maybe they don’t like the fact that it only has 16 MP. Whatever their reasoning…it really is okay. Personally, I have had allot of success with this camera and, keeping within budgetary constraints, would like to share with you, with some depth, as to why it can be a great camera.

All in all, the P1000 is a pretty versatile camera and it is certainly more affordable than those giant lenses you can by, for 5 figures, it’s easier to use and get out those quick shots. I believe you can purchase one for under a grand nowadays and if you’re into wildlife photography it is a great investment…especially if you’re just starting out and want to get into some great zoom photography. If you want to go to the next step, purchase this baby and get some memorable shots without having big, bulky equipment to cart around and set-up. If anyone goes out and gets one, let me know! And, if anyone has any questions about this rig, I’m happy to answer all inquiries. That’s it for me then. I hope this gets your creative juices flowing and you want to go capture some wildlife. What ever your plans, take care of yourselves and each other and I’ll see you all in the next installment…Be and travel well!