The Nomadic Lensman

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North Central Oregon

I do enjoy living where I do. It lends to awesome exploration and enables one to have a history lesson from time to time. I haven’t lived anywhere longer than I have in the PNW. I’d like to take you on a journey through a little patch of Oregon and show you what there is to see…so without further adieu…

Well, this episode is in the can and it’s time for me to get after another adventure. I truly hope you get out and see the kind folks in Grass Valley, or smaller towns near where you live. Every time I go to such a place, my faith in humanity is restored. I’m starting to develop a few towns to keep in my back pocket that I know that when the big city and its horrors get me a little frazzled, I got a few places I can go, talk to people I’ve met in these smaller towns and renew my belief that there are really good people still left that are friendly, empathic and always have a smile on their faces and will, in some cases, give you the shirt off their back without batting an eye. I hope you all have places like that you can visit from time to time. They’re remarkable places that contain remarkable people and they are necessary. Until the next time, take care of yourselves and each other…be and travel well!