The Nomadic Lensman

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Portsmouth, Rye, Dover & London

Here we are at the end of this journey through Scotland and England. Let’s get going, we’ve got some ground to cover…here we go!

Let me end this particular journey with a little advice. If it seems, like there is allot to digest here, and yes, there is, then my advice is this…have a plan. Even if it’s a general outline of your journey. You can follow, or deviate from, the plan as you go. This trip was almost 4 weeks and I tried to squeeze in as much as I could and that was a downturn in the fun of the trip. Towards the end, it got to feel allot like work and we wanted to go home…it almost became something to endure, rather than enjoy. My suggestion is this…if you’re spending a considerable amount of time some place, then have a, “Home Base.” If there is allot to explore, then take it bit by bit. From your home base, drive South for a couple hours, see what there is, or research it before hand, then take a break from doing allot of driving and explore the immediate vicinity of where you’re staying. Do as much walking as you can. The 3rd day, drive East, repeat the process. Do that for half your trip, then the second half, go to another location, set-up shop there and repeat the process. Listen, you may not see everything and that’s okay. At least you get a couple of good areas to explore from your home base and you can always go further away from that as time allows. But every night you have a home base to go to. Editor’s note: Always keep an overnight bag in the trunk of your car. You may have driven 4 or 5 hours away from your home base and it’s late wherever you find yourselves, if you don’t want to drive back to your home base, at least you have an overnight bag and can see about finding accommodations where you’re visiting. A little preparedness can go a long way and can help ease certain circumstances as they pop-up.

Whatever you time frame, I hope that you get out and see some of the world in 2022. The world needs us to travel, to visit its mysteries, to see its history, to try the many foods throughout its lands. To experience its joys and its heartaches only make us better and more mindful humans. Wherever you go, I wish you joyful travels and I hope you are, and that you travel well.