How my journey began

I have had an affinity for travel since an early age. My father, who worked for a company that had overseas connections, packed our family up and moved us to Saudi Arabia. While living there, instead of going back to the States for holidays or summer vacation, we would go to places in Europe, even Africa! So I was bitten by that travel bug early on. When I started down my college years, I took a basic black and white photo course, that involved processing black and white film, thus beginning the roots to where I find myself now. All things having to do with photography have been executed through trial and error. Almost 40 years later and many, many miles of travel, I have tons of stories, recommendations and photos to share.

I will say that, while talking about photography and cameras, I only know from what I use. I have 2 cameras that I use while I travel and those are; Nikon d850 with two lenses, a Nikkor 10-24mm and a Nikon 18-140mm. My second camera is a Nikon P1000 and it has a fixed lens. This combination of cameras and lenses works for me and what I do. I also have a ton of filters to play with as well as a lens ball. I can only speak about my experiences with my gear. I do not know from other Nikon models, whether it’s one of their Z cameras or otherwise. I also have nothing of value to say about other brands as I have only ever used Nikon from the get go. I believe that the choices made about buying a camera are personal ones that are effected by what your needs are and what your budget is. You may be completely satisfied with your cell phone. You can even get a lens kit for that and it would be totally great. You might be in the position to buy a complete, professional, package with a couple of camera bodies and a bunch of lenses, or, you might be somewhere in between. Photography gives one the chance to express themselves creatively. And it’s such a fun medium with all sorts of possibilities, with the only limit being your imagination.

Welcome to the World as I see it!