
There have been architects for eons. As far back as documented history goes…even farther. From wood, stone, earth and other materials came homes, cathedrals, castles and more. Let’s take a look at some well known, and not so well known, structures that came by design.

A wooden barn as part of Mormon Row, Grand Tetons, Wyoming

Welcome back in! Architecture has played significant roles throughout history. The more you travel, the more you can discover what that meant in different parts of the world.

For instance, let’s take the barn. Almost universally known as a structure you’d find on a farm, of virtually any size, housing livestock, and or farm equipment. Typically made out of wood, depending where you are in the world, and built to last a long time…most of them.

The one to the left is part of Mormon Row in the Grand Tetons, Wyoming. Built in the late 1800’s and it still stands now as it did then.

One of the more famous lighthouses in North America, Portland Head Lighthouse, Portland, Maine

Lighthouses have been helping boats and ships avoid smashing into the coasts of America for centuries. Many of them were destroyed by severe weather and never rebuilt, or were rebuilt in a different spot to avoid such occurrences. Some were decommissioned because they became obsolete with changing or receding tides. The photo to the left is of Portland Head Lighthouse in Portland, Maine. Maine still has several, fully functioning lighthouses that continue to be used today. This is one of the more infamous, and mostly photographed in the state.

Outside the Roman Coloseum, Rome, Italy

There are a number of iconic structures located in many parts of the world. The photo to the left is one such structure. The Roman Colosseum, in Rome, Italy, has been a staple of the city of Rome for many centuries. There are so many places that have a much longer history than the U.S. and all of it, to me, is fascinating. The longer the history, the more enthralled I become. Italy has so much to see, photograph, eat and drink, you will not have anything other than an exciting time if you choose to go there.

One of the iconic structures from the Land of the Rising Sun, The Golden Pavillion, Kyoto, Japan

Lastly, an amazing structure to behold is the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan. At one point, Kyoto was the capital of Japan. This pavilion has been here for eons and is so well preserved and the grounds are so well maintained that you could spend hours in this location and not even know it. You can get lost in the Japanese way of life which, in all intent and purpose, is a good thing. Until you go there, you won’t quite grasp what I mean. Go. Go and experience it for yourselves and I promise you will come away with something profound.

Well, that’s another one in the can! I hope you enjoyed the different structures I’ve shown you and what kind of wonders you can find here and abroad. There is so much of allot of places that I need to go to that it won’t all happen, much to my dismay, in the rest of my lifetime. Please, I implore you, venture out and see whatever you can see. Enrich your lives and learn about this planet’s incredible history. Don’t deny yourselves of the joy that that will bring. Until the next time, take care of yourselves and each other, be and travel well!


North Central Oregon


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