The Nomadic Lensman

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Birds of a Feather

Welcome back in! I have been taking my P1000 out to the refuge again, as well as my own backyard, and have gotten some awesome shots of our winged friends. There may be some redundancy here, but the point will always be the same in all of my posts and that is to get out into the world and experience it! I’ll harp on that more at the end. Let’s get into it!

Well that does it for me. Sometimes when I have an itch to go shoot, really, that’s every day, but I don’t want to go anywhere in particular, then I don’t really have to go any further than my back yard. If you like to take photos, whatever your skill level, you don’t have to go far at all. If you don’t have any feeders in your yard, get some…and a bird bath as well. You will get all sorts of critters coming into your yard. Set-up a chair and a tripod, sometimes hand-holding is faster, and start snapping! It won’t take long for the critters to get used to you…you may even get a chance to hand feed one or two…research it, it can be pretty easy. I know that’s my next goal for the ones that frequent my yard!

Go, do and be! Get out there, near or far, photography yes or no, just get out there and experience nature, history, people, places and things! It’s such an awesome place to be, our world, and holds many mysteries for you to discover, whatever that may mean to you. Go discover them! In the mean time, take care of yourselves and each other. Be kind to your fellow humans. My trip is coming up in a couple of months and it will provide me with lots of photographic possibilities. I’ll keep you apprised the closer we get! Until the next time…be and travel well!