The Nomadic Lensman

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Color Pop

Hello and Happy New Year! I trust you all had a wonderful transition from 2022 and 2023 and I hope that you have some fun adventures lined-up for this new year! I thought I would start this new year but talking about something fun that you can do with your photos. There aren’t any limitations except for your own imaginations. Let’s look into this unique world of Colorpop and see what you can do with it!

That does it for me. I hope you enjoyed this trip down color pop lane and I hope you’re able to incorporate some of it into your photography. If you’re a strictly cellphone photographer then, don’t you worry, they have apps that contain color pop capabilities for your photos. Drop me an email and I’m happy to provide more info on those apps. Or email me about anything you want…I’m happy to respond. Until the next time, take care of yourselves, and each other, give more than you receive and always pay it forward!

Until the next time…be and travel well!