Fredericksburg, Texas

It’s most likely that Fredericksburg is one of the most popular of the German towns in Texas, if not THE most popular. There are allot of things to see like shops, places to eat/drink, old German-style buildings…they even have a living museum there where locals dress in period clothing, from the 1800’s, and discuss how life was back then when these German towns were being established. Let’s take a closer look at this town called Fredericksburg!

One side of Main Street Fredericksburg, Texas, rich in German heritage.

Fredericksburg is a town that you should absolutely visit. If you have German blood coursing through your veins, you will appreciate all this town has to offer. If you don’t have any German in your blood, not to worry, this town will provide you with a good time. It is the biggest of the German towns in Texas and if you like food and drink…look no further.

Potions to be had at Federicksburg Brewing Company, Fredericksburg, Texas

After a great deal of exploring Fredericksburg, on foot of course, we decided to partake in a couple of lovely potions at the Fredericksburg Brewing Company. The main room at the front of the restaurant had your typical 4-top tables but in the back they had a dozen picnic tables that were all empty. The tables did come with all sorts of interesting things etched into them. If you wanna know what they said…then go and see for yourselves. There were flags hanging from the ceiling representing other parts of the world and big, Gi-normous TV’s on the walls playing various sporting events. My wife and I played 3 games of Corn Hole while enjoying our potions.

The facilities, Frederickburg Brewing Company, Fredericksburg, Texas

Did I mention that there was a heavy German influence in the town of Fredericksburg?

The Hitchin' Post Steakhouse in Fredericksburg, Texas.  Serving up some of the best beef dishes you'll ever have eaten!

So when we were just bloated with getting to know the town of Fredericksburg, we found ourselves hungry. You would think that we would go for some sort of German cuisine, but nope…we went for some good ol’ Texas fare. This place, on the inside, was nothing to write home about on any level. But who cares?? We didn’t stop in for the atmosphere, we wanted some beef, cooked to perfection, with some delicious sides. We were not disappointed.

Vittles at the Hitchin' Post Steakhouse in Fredericksburg, Texas.

A lovely cut of beef, cooked perfectly medium-rare, a good ol’ baked potato, a staple with any type of beef you have, and fried Okra. Pure bliss! The food is what you are after when you’re in Texas, atmosphere seems to get pushed back toward the end of the list when you are in the presence of, and are consuming, outstanding food. Maybe next time, we’ll have more traditional German fare when we pass through Fredericksburg.

Well, I’m hungry now, so I have to go. I hope you enjoyed this little breath of Fredericksburg and it is my greatest wish that this town has made it on your lists for traveling. The people couldn’t have been nicer, the food was stellar and it was a lovely, German-influenced town to walk through. Next time, we’ll talk about Austin, Texas and some things to partake in in that town. Until then, take care of yourselves and each other…be and travel well!


Austin, Texas


Germany in Texas?