The Nomadic Lensman

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Free-styling: The Devil’s in the Details

Welcome back in! I thought I would take you on a specific photo journey today and not by using a wide angle lens. Curious are we? Well, step inside and see the wonders of detail that can be seen beyond that of the naked eye.

Well friends, that does it for me. I hope that I’ve inspired you to seek out your own details in nature and wherever you go. I cannot emphasize enough that there is so much to see, if you allow yourself, moments to just stand, look and listen. An abundance of natural things will occur and you will see them. But can you get more detail than what you actually see? You won’t know until you try, that’s for sure! I will be on a elongated shoot starting next week and I’m going to try really hard to post from my phone. But if I cannot, then I will see you in about 2 weeks with some. I hope, outstanding photos. Until then, everyone, be and travel well!