The Nomadic Lensman

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In a Pinch…Desperate for Relief

Welcome back in! Hope all are well and out adventuring. The title of this weeks posting allot of you may not relate to and, if you’re a regular reader of my blog, some of this will seem repetitive but it all comes full circle to what my point is throughout all my postings. Follow me in and I’ll show you!

That does it for me. The moral of this story, and you can leave photography out of it if you wish, is to have and go to a place that makes you happy. It should bring you joy and fulfillment when you’re there. A place that has the ability to center you and bring about a peace of mind, body and spirit. You can go back and read older posts where I talk about this place and the subjects I find there and, although there may be repeat customers that I’ve captured, there are new ones that I have the privilege of capturing every time I go there…EVERY time! Something new waits for me on the next go round and I’m nothing, if not excited, less than giddy with anticipation for my next trip there! So, until the next time, take care of yourselves, and each other, go out and find your happy places and spend some time there. Let it center you and make you want to go back time and again. Those places are vital to us as humans and we need them to stay whole. See you all next time!