The Nomadic Lensman

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Oban & Stirling Scotland and Northern England

We make a quick stop at our last stop in Scotland, while heading South, before entering Northern England and the Lake District…follow me!

I believe this is a good place to stop and I will give you some of the Coffin Trail and on to a couple of castles as we head down North Central England with lots more to come. This was a big trip, we were gone about a month, and I tried to get in as much as I could. That was a mistake and I’ll share with you the reason why when we bring this whole trip to an end. But, that’s a ways off. I hope that what I’ve brought you so far has given you an itch to visit this area of our world. If not, stay tuned, I think what you’ll see next time might get you there…until then, be and travel well!