The Nomadic Lensman

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Rusty Goodness

Welcome back in…Happy 2023 to you all! I’ve got some awesome plans for shoots to go on in 2023 but, until we get closer to those times, right now I’d like to talk about opportunities one might encounter while free styling and taking those roads less traveled. Check it out!

That about does it for me! I enjoyed bringing you some rusty goodness and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. I have gone to the extent of making lists for my adventures. For instance, I have made a list of ALL the counties in Washington State and the towns within those counties that hold, in their possession, subjects I want to capture with my cameras. Now allot, if not most of these counties, will require at least an overnight, if not two. Ghost towns, old train tunnels, barns and other structures that I need to go and see. So, some of those will be getting done in this new year and I have a big trip coming up in the fall…more on that in later blogs! I hope that you all have big, and small, adventures planned for 2023 and you get yourselves out and enjoy this rock we all live on! Until the next time, take care of yourselves and each other, be and travel well!