Autumnal color and where to enjoy it.

Good day to you all! Welcome back in and you’re here at a great time! This week it’s all about Autumn and the wondrous color it provides. There are tons of places to go, both here in the States and abroad, to take full advantage of all those colors. Let’s explore a few!

Beautiful yellow bursts of Autumnal color in Manchester, New Hampshire

Let’s begin in North America. The shot to the left is from New England, Manchester, New Hampshire to be specific. Autumn in New England is almost unbeatable. Stark yellows, reds and oranges fill almost all the landscape. Depending on the particulars, type of tree and how warm/cold it has been during non-Autumnal months and for how long, dictate how the color of the leaves will be in the Autumn. Birch trees, for example, are almost always yellow. Stark white bark with bright yellow against a blue sky, man, there is nothing better! But Maple trees are a bit more sensitive. The warmess/coolness leading up to Autumn can determine if the leaves will be red or orange. Even the ivy that grows on the sides of structures turns red or orange in the Fall. Beautiful color at every turn!

Even on an overcast and dreary day, Autumnal color is still beautiful and vibrant.

Even demonstrated in the photo to the right, on a dismal, overcast day, Autumnal color is still beautiful and vibrant. This shot I took just North of Concord, New Hampshire.

Beautiful Autumnal color at the Japanese Garden in Seattl, Washington

Now, in the PNW, we have a bit of color of our own. Reds, oranges and yellows and they seem to be planting more and more trees, in newer developed neighborhoods, that turn orange and red when Autumn rolls around. My lovely bride and I went to Seattle, Washington, and I took this shot at the Japanese Garden located there.

The roads around Mt. Adams in Washington state can provide lots of Autumnal color!

While on a freestyle trip around Mt. Adams and the little town of Trout Lake, Washington, can provide lots of bright color in the Autumn months. Alders and some maples that turn a vibrant yellow and against a blue sky, nothing is more photogenic. Lots of places is the PNW will showcase awesome color like this in most places you travel to.

Himeji Castle with Autumnal color in Himeji, Japan

Now…I will say that, within North America, my humble opinion is that New England has no rival when it comes to Autumnal color. Flat out, beautiful vibrant color! It may leak downwards into Rhode Island and even Connecticut but, the main collective of color would be in New England. Foreign travel, however, well I found a place that indeed rivals New England and that place is Japan. Japan has an awesome Spring with all the Cherry Blossom trees and in the fall, there is a sea of color, especially the farther you go into the countryside and mountainous areas. Stunning color!

Lovely Autumnal color in Japan

Not only can you find brilliant old and well preserved structures in Japan, but when Autumn rolls around, the colors warm everything and almost creates a glow. My heart yearns to go back. The next time will be in the Spring for Cherry Blossom festivals. Hopefully that will come to fruition in a couple years after we get some other trips out of the way. I’ve discussed in previous posts how and why I feel the way that I do about Japan.

Autumnal glow taken at The Grotto, Portland, Oregon

This last shot I took in Portland, Oregon at a place called The Grotto. It’s a lovely place to go and be mindful of all aspects of life. The grounds are beautiful and provide a bit of Autumnal color. The late evening sun illuminated these leaves and I could not resist. Go and enjoy!

That about raps things up for me. I hope you enjoyed some Autumnal color with me and, if you are lucky to have such occurrences near where you live, you go and enjoy. If you have the means, especially if you haven’t been before, travel to New England and see an Autumnal show there! If you go, if you imbibe in cigars or looking for awesome places to eat, let me know and will steer you down the right paths for places…no matter breakfast, lunch or dinner. Wherever you are, enjoy all that Fall has to offer, the change it brings with it. Until the next time, take care of yourselves and each other, travel and be well!


The Devil’s in the Details: Textures


Back roads of the PNW