Back roads of the PNW

Welcome back in! I hope you’re all well and have ventured out and explored into some awesome memories. My wife and I went to a concert and then traveled some back roads on the way home. So far so good, in terms of taking the road less traveled and it paying off. Let’s explore a wee bit of Washington state together!

The photo in the description is one I took at a concert we went to performed by the Tedeschi/Trucks Band. I’ve been a fan of theirs for a long time, but mostly when they were individual performers with their own bands. 12 talented artists on that stage and all are extremely qualified to be there. The amphitheater is why I mention it as it’s a wee out of the way from the sights and sounds of the big city. It was wonderful to discover it, in our way, to visit it, partake in beverages and have the best time. It took about 2 and a half hours to drive there. We got a hotel nearby and got an early start the next day for the drive home. Intimate little venues like these are the best! It also lends itself to the community in which it resides and providing great entertainment that doesn’t involve skyrocketing ticket prices and taking 45 minutes just to get out of the parking areas. Get out and enjoy the world! See shows, go to small town bars, cafes…even movie theaters. So many cool things to see and allot of them are right in your own backyards!

Artistry meets steel in Elbe, Washington

So, this website will always support artistry in its many forms, as there is a great deal of artistry that can go into the creation of an image. Whether that means the use of different types of filters on a lens or in the post-processing of an image. In our drive home the next day from attending the concert, we drove on a few back roads and wound ourselves up in Elbe and then Ashford, Washington.

One of many, many iron sculptures at the Spitrits of Iron Sculpture Park in Ashford, Washington.

There is a man named Dan Klennert and he had a vision that he wanted to share his passion for welding with the public. He began utilizing scrap iron that he went and found and also from the shear tonnage of donations he received over the years. He got to realize his dream and created 4 acres on his property to bring his passion to life.

Iron sculptures abound at the Spirits of Iron Sculpture Park in Ashford, Washington

When Dan decided to retire, he approached his Son-in-Law, Jay Bechtold, and told him he wanted to pass the torch unto him and went on to train Jay in how the process begins to create these iron masterpieces. When you arrive, you’ll not know where to start first. There are allot of sculptures and each of them unique from the others. The sculpture park has several horse sculptures and they’re all different looking from each other.

You can only see an iron giraffe sculpture at the Spirits of Iron Sculpture Park in Ashford, Washington

I simply mention this awesome place because, well…it’s awesome! I cannot be more supportive of this passion for art and sharing it with the public. When my wife and I arrived we noticed that there was a gift shop and thought nothing more about it as we delved into the rear of the park. Once we got to said gift shop we noticed, much to our chagrin, it was closed. I was so looking forward to getting something made of iron out of that shop! But, there will be another day when I go back and I’ll try some macro shots, or something different than what you see here.

A beautiful piece at the Spirits of Iron Sculpture Park in Ashford, Washington

So, like the photo to the left, there are some pieces that appear like they were not welded together and are, “Natural,” in their look. They’re just really cool, old relics full of rusty goodness! 7/8 of everything there has either come from the imagination of Dan or Jay. It is free to roam around the park and be in awe of what was created there. If you, like me, are taking photos, then they appreciate donations and have iron, of course, lock boxes in a couple places if you have cash to spare. They also take donations thru Venmo and have info there to accomplish that if you’re short on cash. Please give as generously as you can…support the arts and the artists that give it to us. I will always give a free promo to those that have inspired me with their artistic craft, or, have given me warm fuzzies while dinging in their establishment, or, have gone out of their way to provide service above and beyond what was asked of them.

Historical chapel in Elbe, Washington, demonstrating a German influence that came and stayed in the PNW.

Not a ten minute drive from all those beautiful, iron sculptures is Elbe, Washington. Elbe is a really tiny town that has a German influence in the area and also a railroad influence. There is even a train, of about 6 cars or so, that have been turned into eateries and shops. It’s very cool and should be experienced. And, if you garner some energy and want to exercise a bit more, Mt. Rainier is super close to Elbe and within 30 minutes, or so, you can be on an alpine trail in search of beautiful vistas. Make a point of going to these places…support local artists, eat local cuisine, see beautiful mountain regions…all here, or there, ripe for the picking! There is even a train that takes you around Mt. Rainier, to the town of Elbe and one other place…I don’t remember, but it has more German influence and history of the railroad as it passed thru these towns. So for a nominal fee, you can see most of what I’ve talked about today, the exception of the iron sculptures, you’ll have to drive there from Elbe, but it’s a short drive, and get just as much enjoyment and not have all the driving or walking to deal with! Food for thought…

Well friends, that does it for me. I hope you enjoyed this little sojourn filled with artistry and German influence. What I really hope for is some of you planning a trip out to these parts and experience as much of what the PNW has to offer. There is a ton…actually, the sheer tonnage of what is available for everyone cannot be measured. You gotta come and see! Until then, take care of yourselves and each other, facilitate as much kindness as you can muster, pay it forward whenever you can…be happy. Be and travel well!


Autumnal color and where to enjoy it.


North Central Oregon