Iceland-Part ll

Here we are again! Welcome back to the final installment of Iceland-the land of Fire and Ice! Let the journey continue!

Just back tracking a bit to last weeks post. That high vantage point we achieved with our 4-wheel drive gave us sweeping views of the ocean and of Vik. Whenever you have an opportunity to change your vantage point, I highly recommend you do. Photographically, the pay-off can be well worth it! And, again, if you’re into your cardio and physical fitness, they had trails that led up to the top. It can be a muddy, soggy mess so proper footwear is a must! Walk it, drive it, the result is the same. Beautiful panoramas prevail!

The South end of Vik, Iceland. Shot high above the town from a bluff overlooking Vik and the ocean.

Journey forth and experience all different food types while in Iceland.  Here we stopped for some lamb stew.

So, being that we were 3 hours and some change from Reykjavik, the capital, we decided to visit a couple of towns we passed on the way to Vik. We stopped at a diner that had wonderful food and a beatnik atmosphere. Local artists could present their works to sell in the diner. From photos, to paintings and even ceramics. They were even playing American blues music over their speakers. It was fantastic and the food was so good!

There is something for everyone in Iceland in terms of food. From traditional fare to modern and everything in between. If you want to try fermented shark, go for it! Personally, I wouldn’t even at gun point. When a lot of the locals, and I mean a lot, mention that THEY even find it repugnant, then I’m going to pass. But you may be more adventurous in your culinary choices than I am, so give it a try! I’ll stick with a nice lamb stew, as pictured to the right. Wonderfully seasoned and the lamb cooked to perfection. And on a blustery, cold day, it hit the mark on several levels. We’ll get more into foods as we continue.

There are some wonderful things to see in Iceland and a few things you may never have seen before.

Many photographers will go to Diamond Beach in Iceland. There, one may have the perfect opportunity to photograph the hundreds of ice pieces, varying in size, lying on a black sand beach with the ocean as a background. Excellent opportunity for different focal ranges and longer time exposures. You could spend an entire day at Diamond Beach with all of its photo possibilities. Bring some ND filters and polarizers to break up some of the contrast you may encounter on sunnier days.

This locale was on the other side of an auto bridge from Diamond Beach. I did not get to Diamond Beach as it was windy and cold and this area is where I think I caught a chill that laid me up for 3 days. So, hindsight being what it is, when we go back, I’ll be prepared and will get back to Diamond Beach in whatever weather is available to me at the time. There is so much creativity to be had there in composing a photograph and your brain will be the only thing to limit you. I cannot wait to go back!

Many scenes like this one abound in Iceland.

As I spoke of in last weeks post. I found many shoot able scenes where a home/farm would be in the foreground of a waterfall. Imagine a waterfall in your backyard! There were so many of those to shoot, but logistics sometimes are against you. Parking, sometimes in sketch areas in terms of room and privacy rules, if applicable. Then walking along the roadway with, at times, no way to step off, unless you wind up falling into a ditch. Other factors as well. So, even some of the cooler things you happen upon, might be logistically difficult to photograph.

This particular scene was itself, up on a bluff that required my P1000 to capture. Logistics can play a factor in your shots, and the ability to capture them. Weather is a big one. Where to park off a busy two-lane highway and walking along its edges, trying to avoid traffic and capture your subject. Always exercise caution. You may have to come up with a safer plan to execute what you’re trying to shoot and that may require some recon before hand.

The tallest church in Iceland,  Hallgrimskirkja Church stands tall in Reykjavik, Iceland

There is a great deal to see in Reykjavik, Iceland. From the tallest Icelandic church, to colorful buildings, hot springs as well as awesome places to eat.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


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Iceland-The Land of Fire and Ice