Listen to the Music

Howdy everyone! Lots of things going on and I’m happy to be back in the world of blogging! I wanted to do something a little different, something out of the scope of what I’ve previously posted over the past few years. Follow me inside and I’ll show you!

I like to travel. I think I’ve made that evident through all my postings. But there is something I enjoy almost as equally. Music. I love music and when it’s good, it’s great! For instance, the gentleman pictured to the left. My wife and I were on a stroll in Boston Common while visiting New England. We strolled along and heard this bluesy riff on a saxophone. Rounded some hedges and there he stood, blowing his sax like he was in front of millions. I fed his bag some green backs and listened blissfully to every note he played.

When you walk a lot, see a lot and do a lot when you travel, it’s so nice, on a sunny day, to come across a musician who plays with soul and just lose yourself for a bit. You can plant yourself in the grass, on a wall or anyplace that will allow you to take a load off and just listen. It’s especially nice when you’re in such a huge amount of space, as in Boston Common, with beautiful gardens and waterways to sit by.

While strolling through Yokohama, Japan, after a long flight, we happened upon this group of young Taiko drummers performing for the locals.

After a long flight to Japan, we get a little grumpy and need to just move around and be. We checked into our hotel and then immediately hit the bricks for a nice long walk through parts of Yokohama. We came across this young group of Taiko drummers that performed for a local crowd. It was lovely and unique and what choreography! Playing their own individual drums, playing on each other’s drums, it was fantastic! A perfect way to enjoy unfurling after a long flight and to experience some of the Japanese culture.

There are all sorts of opportunities to listen to music being played live. Whether it’s impromptu and you see a street musician or two, or you plan to purchase tickets to see local or international musicians. You really should take the time to go and experience live music.

Grace Potter as she performs at a venue in Portland, Oregon.

I have two words for you. Grace Potter! Up until recently, I only got to know about the performer and her catalog of music through video. Her voice is for the record books. It can carry for miles and the power contained within it would light up a stadium. She is as passionate and energetic a singer as you could come by. When I heard that she and her band were coming to town, there was only one clear choice to make. Buy 2 tickets for my lovely bride and I to go and enjoy a performance. And enjoy it we did! Truly, one of the greatest people to come out of the state of Vermont!

At the very least, you must watch any live performance on Youtube, or other streaming service. She is a phenom vocally and the feeling that she places in how she presents her performance, you’ll want to see her live. Without a doubt.

The Tedeschi/Trucks Band came to town in Portland, Oregon and gave an outstanding performance

When two bands merge together it can go one of 2 ways. Bad or good. I’ve been following Susan Tedeschi since the late 90’s. She started out as a blues artist, coming out of Boston, Mass. When she speaks, she sounds very demure, especially back in the 90’s. But when she belted out the blues, whew, it was like a cross between Bonnie Raitt and Janice Joplin. Listen to her first two albums she put out. Incredible!

Derek Trucks has a lineage of musicianship and was playing the guitar in his single digits. His uncle, Butch Trucks, was one of the two drummers for the Allman Brothers Band. Derek never uses a pick when he plays guitar and his fingers, on both hands, do some amazing things and in a blazing way. The quickness he possesses is really something to see. He is also well known for his slide guitar playing and the deftness he has with that is equally as impressive. Derek had his own band and at some point, he and Susan Tedeschi crossed paths. They eventually married, joined their 2 bands together and became the Tedeschi/Trucks Band. There are 12 members on stage as they perform and the sound is fantastic! They tour a lot and spend 3/4, if not 7/8, of a year touring. Both domestically and internationally. A very busy band, often playing multiple nights in larger cities.

Go and enjoy any level of music you can. Especially when you’re travelling!

Music has been a very important part of my life and has gotten me through tough times and has certainly inspired me to have great times. Gather a bunch of your friends and got to an outdoor concert. While you’re travelling, take long strolls around the cities that you go to and watch for the street performers. Some of them are exceptionally good. Reward them if your able. For a fiver, they’ll keep playing you wonderful music that will feed your soul.

That does it for me! I hope that you enjoyed this edition and that you go out and listen to some music. Go out and do and be. Life is too short not to garner as much happiness from it as you’re able! Whatever you do, do it well, have fun, be kind to yourselves and each other. I’ll see you next time! Cheers!


Iceland-Part ll