The Nomadic Lensman

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Listen to the Music

Howdy everyone! Lots of things going on and I’m happy to be back in the world of blogging! I wanted to do something a little different, something out of the scope of what I’ve previously posted over the past few years. Follow me inside and I’ll show you!

Music has been a very important part of my life and has gotten me through tough times and has certainly inspired me to have great times. Gather a bunch of your friends and got to an outdoor concert. While you’re travelling, take long strolls around the cities that you go to and watch for the street performers. Some of them are exceptionally good. Reward them if your able. For a fiver, they’ll keep playing you wonderful music that will feed your soul.

That does it for me! I hope that you enjoyed this edition and that you go out and listen to some music. Go out and do and be. Life is too short not to garner as much happiness from it as you’re able! Whatever you do, do it well, have fun, be kind to yourselves and each other. I’ll see you next time! Cheers!