Travel Brian Bourbeau Travel Brian Bourbeau

Cinque Terre, Italy

Just one of zillions of beautiful sunsets you can expect to see from Cinque Terre, Italy. This view is from the town of Manarola.

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Travel Brian Bourbeau Travel Brian Bourbeau


Statues abound in Italy and Rome has its fair share. This one, in front of the Altara della Patria, is of Vittorio Emanuelle II, the first Italian King.

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Travel Brian Bourbeau Travel Brian Bourbeau

Japan: The Conclusion

A statue, found in the Nihon Daira area that, recognizes the permanent Western influence, demonstrates a certain sadness, among older Japanese, for a time when, the Japanese people lost a little bit of their identity.

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Brian Bourbeau Brian Bourbeau

Newport, Oregon

I love the Pacific Northwest and have called it home for almost forty years. It is here that I will start our journey together.

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